Sizzler Interiors offers dynamic interior art direction & colour consultancy

Sizzler Creative's interior Art Direction and Colour Consultancy services help clients transform their residential and commercial spaces into visually captivating environments. We see Art Direction and Colour Consultancy as vital aspects of interior design that can significantly impact the overall aesthetics and mood of a space.

Art Direction & Colour Consultancy

Our Art Direction services will get under the skin of your space to understand your style, vision and budget – guiding on curation, selection and arrangement of furniture, art pieces, photography, sculptures, and other decorative items to create a cohesive, visually appealing space that leaves a lasting impression. Our Colour Consultancy helps you find the right colour palette for any space based on the mood, energy, and functionality of a room. Helping you understand how the nuances of colour psychology can be used to create a desired atmosphere, our tailored colour schemes can enhance your space and reflect your personality and style.

Art Advisory Service

The right artwork can transform a space, elevating its aesthetic and creating a unique atmosphere. Sizzler Creative’s Art Advisory Service assists clients achieve their vision by curating bespoke art collections that not only complement the design aesthetic but also resonate with individual tastes and preferences. Whether you seek contemporary pieces to add a touch of modernity or timeless classics to evoke a sense of tradition, our Art Advisory Service ensures every artwork selected enhances the overall ambiance of your interior. From sourcing exclusive pieces to providing expert guidance on placement, framing, styling and colour consultancy, we are committed to curating a personalised art experience that enhances the beauty and character of your living or work space.